Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of VJLS-JH! Our members play an important role in ensuring that our organization is managed responsibly and held accountable to the community we serve. As a member, you will be entitled to attend Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and to approve the election of new Directors to the VJLS-JH Board.
If you wish to become a member, you must submit an application to the VJLS-JH Governance Committee. To help you understand this application process, the Governance Committee has developed a guide and orientation for prospective members.
$20/year VJLS-JH Membership
*VJLS-JH Members are able to vote at Annual General Meetings, nominate Board members, and join the VJLS-JH Board of Directors. Membership is not required to participate in VJLS-JH programs.
Tuesday – Saturday: 9am – 3pm
Sunday & Monday: Closed